The Guard Elite -- Sekhem's Finest Weapons

[The Guard Elite -- Sekhem's Finest Weapons]

Racks of gleaming bronze weaponry sparkle fiercely from the walls. The scent of burning charcoal wafts through the air, as well as a thick haze. You also see a slender ebony counter.


1   a blackened obsidian-tipped spear                 Price 20        
2   a curved sickle-shaped knife                      Price 20        
3   a silver-etched cubit dagger                      Price 18        
4   a gleaming ivory-hilted scimitar                  Price 45        
5   a bone and brass-handled gladius                  Price 42        
6   a silver rapier                                   Price 90        
7   a silver khopesh                                  Price 147       
8   a silver gladius                                  Price 126       
9   a silver longsword                                Price 135       
10  a silver greatsword                               Price 165       
11  a silver flail                                    Price 201       
12  a silver mattock                                  Price 144       
13  a silver morning star                             Price 126       
14  a silver handaxe                                  Price 105       
15  a silver dagger                                   Price 54        
16  a silver battle-axe                               Price 150       
17  an iron rapier                                    Price 450       
18  an iron broadsword                                Price 675       
19  an iron flail                                     Price 1005      
20  an iron mattock                                   Price 720       
21  an iron greatsword                                Price 825       
22  an iron mace                                      Price 570       
23  an iron dagger                                    Price 270       
24  an iron battle-axe                                Price 750       
25  an iron gladius                                   Price 630       
26  an iron longsword                                 Price 675       
27  a steel rapier                                    Price 9000      
28  a steel mace                                      Price 11400     
29  a steel gladius                                   Price 12600     
30  a steel mattock                                   Price 14400     

31  an iron ebony-shafted handaxe                     Price 525       
32  a steel flail                                     Price 20100     
33  a steel battle-axe                                Price 15000     
34  a steel longsword                                 Price 13500     
35  a steel khopesh                                   Price 14700     


Several items may be customized with a color.