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Baths, Baths and Nothing Else Beyond Baths

Page history last edited by Arcrest 15 years ago

Among the many shops along Dysiliou Boulevard, you will find... 


Baths, Baths and Nothing Else Beyond Baths 

With only a few models actually on display, this otherwise large shop is well lit and looks more like a spa than a sales floor.  Other models are pictured on the walls and in various pamphlets scattered across a large desk at the back of the room.  Potted plants and bright fountains help pull the atmosphere even farther from its intended purpose, making it almost harder to sell wares as people are more interested in the decor than the items for sale.  You also see a clerk.

Obvious exits: out.


1.  a sleek silver-plated bath (Large Bath Item) - 1800 dinars

    2.  a gleaming gold-plated bath (Large Bath Item) - 2700 dinars

    3.  an intricately carved jade bath (Large Bath Item) - 720 dinars

    4.  a red and black ceramic tiled bath (Large Bath Item) - 720 dinars

    5.  a gleaming black marble bath (Large Bath Item) - 720 dinars

    6.  a carved white marble bath (Large Bath Item) - 720 dinars

    7.  a large green and black marble bath (Large Bath Item) - 720 dinars



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